Monday, April 28, 2008

A) Slipstreaming SATA driver into WinXp boot cd using nLite


A) If you don't have Floppy Disk Drive especially on a notebook. You still can install Win Xp but you need to read the "Slipstreaming SATA driver into WinXp boot cd using nLite".
B) If you have FD drive, skip this step and go to "Shrink Vista Partition for WinXp Installation".
C) If you have an empty partition for WinXp installation, proceed to "WinXp Installation"

Materials needed:
1) nLite(download here), a free tool to help you slipstreaming(integrate) your SATA drivers into WinXp installation disk.
2) Extracted SATA drivers(if you are using Intel chipset Intel 82801GR/GH, 631xESB/632xESB, 82801GHM, ICH8R/ICH9R, 82801HEM SATA RAID Controller, get the drivers from here)

1) Get your Windows XP installation disk and copy the contents to a new folder(I named it "WinXp").

2) Extract the SATA drivers you downloaded into a folder, namely "Floppy 32Bit". (Need help for "Extracting SATA driver from their EXE without Floppy Disk(FD)")

3) Run nLite->choose "Next".

4) Now, locate the Windows folder(for me, it's "WinXp").

5) Next again and you will come to "Presets". Ignore this by choosing "Next" again.

6) In "Task Selection", choose "Drivers" and "Bootable ISO" by high-lighting them.

7) Choose "Insert"->"Single driver"

8) Browse to the SATA driver folder(I named it "Floppy 32Bit") and select either one of the .INF file, I choose "iaahci.inf".

9) A screen like below will pop-up, make sure it's "Textmode driver" and select all of them by holding CTRL+A key and choose "OK"

10) You shall see something like this. Choose "Next" and you will be prompted.

11) Choose "Yes" to start the process.

12) Let it finish and choose "Next".

13) Finally, you can create your project as ISO image or burn it directly to CD-R under "Mode". I choose "Direct Burn". You can put anything for "Label" but not too long. Choose "Burn" and you will be prompted again.

14) Choose "Yes" to burn it to CD-R. Wait for it to finish and choose "Next"

15) Choose "Finish" to exit nLite.

Proceed to?
A) Go to "Shrink Vista Partition for WinXp Installation" if you don't have any partition to use.
B) If you have an empty partition for WinXp installation, proceed to "WinXp Installation"


Gan Zhi Hong said...

Hey Max. I really appreciate for this guide! it HELPs me. really

Joshua Entol said...

hey bro!!

saw ur blog on Lia's page!! wow!! hahah... nice start!! good to have you here!!

CY said...

Hey, I was trying to slipstream my WinXP installation with SATA drivers as well. As I read through this article, I've done some research myself. Hence I'd like to help you add that there's also a utility on Intel's website that will determine the computer's chipset to confirm the compatibility of the SATA drivers described in this article.

The link is as follows:

Logan Stinger said...

Thank you for the screen shot complete tutorial, while I consider myself an advanced computer user I always prefer reading clear easy to follow instructions. I really appreciate the time you took to put this together.

Unknown said...

Extremely helpful. Thank you, I really appreciate it.

klaydze said...

hey guys you mean if i run the WinXp it support the SATA now? Because i encounter problem when i format my Compaq Presario 1285TU laptop with Vista Basic OS. When i boot from CD and choose what drive will i format there is a error that pissed me off. it says No hard drive found something like that. Is my problem support this CD? But nice guide. Thanks

Simon said...

The really important point is that the driver must show up as text mode - for my ASUS K8V with VIA RAID controller, the driver did not show up as text only but only PnP, and Windows setup did not find disks unless I used F6+diskette but it did install correctly after that. In the directory above the driver was a TXTSETUP.OEM. I copied that down into the dir with the INF and then when I slipstreamed install using nLite, I was offered the Text-mode choice which eliminated the need for the diskette.

Unknown said...

Thnx, succeeded slipstream it helped solve my prob, hv a question? Can we multiple slipstream SATA drivers into 1 WinXp installation disk, i.e 2 or 3 or more Intel or other board drivers in 1 xp cd

DStiner said...

Thank you for the guide. I was having no luck loading SATA drivers during a Windows XP install using a USB floppy drive. I used your guide to slipstream the drivers onto an XP disc and it worked beautifully.

Neel said...

Thanks dude..

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much Max! As I type I am reverting the wifes laptop from Vista to XP! (XP is coping the setup files!)

Galaxy Success said...

oh thank you very much Sir! I've managed to make my very own Windows XP SP2 for my new vostro 1200.

Unknown said...

Thanks! Good guide. I rebuilt XP-64 for a new computer (missing SATA RAID drivers originally).
However, I had to use 64-bit floppy utility that can be downloaded here:*%20XP%20Professional%20x64%20Edition&lang=eng

Or, here is the generic web-site, where OS can be chosen:

Funny enough, for 64-bit XP, there is no need for WinImage as wehn the is extracted it already contains files in the appropriate form.

Unknown said...

Thx Great job but i'm affraid to try it you know in case of some damage ??
Wish me good luck
Once again ty

Unknown said...

So much easier than a lot of other methods I've seen online. Haven't used nLite for a good while but now I think I'm gonna have to start using it again.

Unknown said...

Hi I need to find the sata drivers for my esystem EI3103. I was using my laptop and when I closed all my applications, i went away and when I came back it had a black screen with Operating system not found. Wow. nice way to start a day eh? Please help me if you can

Unknown said...

nice guide for extracting these files.
I'm planning to buy a portable floppy drive and would like to give up until i found out these guide.

Thanks a lot.

Unknown said...

thanks a lot man...really appreciate wat u r doing :-)

Unknown said...

Hey Max, this is a good tutorial. But I have some issue here. When I slipstream the sata driver and create an iso that iso is not bootable anymore. It is having the setup and everything but it is not bootable.

Unknown said...

you are the bomb. thanks greatly, truly appreciate the smiles you put on my face. God bless you. Jesus Loves you.

Unknown said...

Hello friends,
I have bought the Compaq Presario CQ45-112AU laptop but i couldn't able to install windows xp.
I have tried integrating the AMD SATA controller to the windows xp and installing it. But it didn't work for me. It gave me some kind of error saying "ahcix64.sys is corrupted". I tried all the SATA drivers which i found here:

I hope you could help me to resolve this issue.

Vikram K S send the reply here)

bearded-gelfling said...

This is a good tutorial, but having the same issue as somone above. When I slipstream the SATA driver and burn that to disk it is not bootable anymore. My laptop will not boot from the CD I've tried a few times to make a disk with the same issue each time.

Doaa said...

thanks alot max
it helps me so much

danghIT said...

Hi Max. I have a HP laptop with Vista on . I want to downgrade Vista to XP , because I need to run programs that works only with XP . I didn't understood what drivers I need . Those links you gave in your article , didn't helpped me very much . If you need more details , send me an email at , and I will send you exactly the details of my laptop .

Anonymous said...

Will u help me?
I've got HP Pavilion dv 2990tx with Vista Basic installed but i wan to d/grade to XP. The problem is setup cannot detect hardisk. The hardisk used is Toshiba MK252GSX. I've tried using DriveMax to gain the drivers and integrated them using nLite but unsuccesful.I'm stuck n donno where n how to solve this.Will u help me ?
If you have any suggestion please mail me ;

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks for this. I was trying to install XP on a friend's amilo and this was a life saver! (Now if only I could convert them to linux...)

Unknown said...

Thnx bro...

It's working 4 me..

Unknown said...

Thank you for your clear explaination! This is exactly what I needed, and it worked perfectly. I have a Vostro 1500 which needed the drivers before I could install XP.

Mohd Isa said...

in step 4 i cannot do warning say the file must in ASCII...why?

Unknown said...

this is cool yar, brilliant but is it usefull for 64 bit plz reply i m waiting for u

Unknown said...

HI guys..!!

i have a new cq60 104tu laptop... i followed the steps exactly as metioned above, but still i am not able to install as i get the blue screen after all the files are loaded and just before the accepting licensing agreement...

i have trying a lot install.. i dont even have vista.. not able to use my new laptop...

please please help me..!!

macdavids said...

Hello everyone,
I have finelly successfully installed XP on Toshiba A205-S5831 laptop using "nLite" with integraded "Intel Matrix Storage drivers for SATA HDD" and here is the xp drivers link:
when you gonna integrade the drivers, make sure that you add as: Insert > Single Driver > iaAHCI.inf and open. then shoose "textmode driver" (not regular PNP driver or you will end up with blue screen). then you can choose your laptop chipsen, (if you don't know which chipset, choose all, CTRL + A) and hit ok. then burn it again on regular cd and now xp setup should detect the SATA hard drive and proceed with installation.
Good luck

mamak85 said...

Thanks Very Much Bro.........

giggs said... it possible to run both vista & xp on the same laptop but on different partitions?or if you use this method & succeed in installing xp then you have to do away with vista?please let me know,my laptop only has vista but my engineering software which i require for my projects cant run on vista..running both of them would solve my problem

Anonymous said...
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Ben said...

How do I install WinXP to my laptop after using nLite to create a CD and creating a new partition for WinXP. I have tried to install WinXP with the CD from nLite, but it gave me a blue error screen. Any help it greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

hi guys, I want to install xp on my hp compaq CQ45 137TX, i have seen lots of forum in which they have stated change the sata setting in bios but i could not found any such thing in my bios :( also they have mentioned to create a disk with sata driver which will help me in setting up XP but that did not help as well all i can see is "Error loading operating system" can somebody help. plz plz plz


I have bought the Compaq Presario CQ45-112AU laptop but i couldn't able to install windows xp.
I have tried integrating the AMD SATA controller to the windows xp and installing it. But it didn't work for me. It gave me some kind of error saying "ahcix64.sys is missing". i used n lite for slipstreaming. plz help.

macdavids said...

Hi there,

Here is the small instructionsI for how to have successfully downgraded slow Vista to Fast XP using "nLite".
First of all you need the right XP Drivers for your Toshiba A205-S5831. you can download them from:
Now you need the so called "nLite", a small utility to modify, add changes, add drivers, etc to your original XP CD. in this case you have to integrade the "Intel Matrix Storage driver for your SATA HDD of the notebook".
you can download it from:
now you have to add Hard Disk drivers to your original XP CD. this is needed in order to let the xp installation setup recognize the notebook SATA Hard Disk Drive. to do that simple follow the screen in "nLite" and on the "Add Drivers" tab click on the "ADD"
then choose: Insert > Single Driver > iaAHCI.inf and open. (when you gonna integrade the drivers, make sure that you add it as "textmode driver" not as regular PNP driver or you will end up with blue screen). choose "textmode driver". then you can choose your laptop chipset, (if you don't know which chipset, choose all, CTRL + A) and hit ok. then burn it again on regular cd and now xp setup should detect the SATA hard drive and proceed with installation.

Good luck

Unknown said...

Hi there Max,

I am so grateful to your web blog, i work fulltime as a computer tech, and this one had me stumped, the fact is that for whatever reason Win xp pro service pack 3 is not viable for downgrade, on dv5 laptops. havent tried it on toshibas, though they usually come with xp disks anyway.

Thanks again for sharing this information, you have made me one very happy tech.


Nicholas said...

Thanks for this easy to use guide! I wanted to do a re-install on my home XP but couldn't get the disks to recognize the drive.

I'm burning the CD now at work, and hopefully it will work when I get home!

Hemmels said...

Cheers dude! Didnt have a floppy (or drive!) spare, so did this for the first time. Hopefully the SATA drivers I downloaded from Asus "Sata Driver Disk" are OK.

Ratnesh said...

hey thanks for the guide

uday said...

I am using Compaq Presario CQ45-112AU, but i am unable to find sata drivers for it.... please help

Anonymous said...
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Annie said...

Thanks so much for this guide. I spent most of the day trying to bring a Gateway laptop back to life and once I'd followed your instructions, it was up and running in about half an hour.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks its good Stuff...i follow u r step & able to install windows xp in my laptop CQ40-317Tu...vinay maurya

Nirmal said...

When I slipstream the SATA driver and burn that to disk it is not bootable. Anybody encountered this problem? Is there a solution

Unknown said...

شكرا جزيلا يا باشمهندس و اتمنى ان اقابل شخصا مثلك شخصيا
thanks a lot my engineer friend and i hope to meet sum1 lyk u personally

Anonymous said...

Hey this saved my day Max. More power! Thank you for the bits and bytes on this.

James Reading said...

Hi All,

I have followed this and it is very helpful but i have placed New cd into machine booted from cd and when it says installing xp once searching through all drivers it goes Blue Screen on me any suggestions?

I have a New HP HDX 18

I really need this to work.


Unknown said...


Any suggest for HP DV3510nr ... i cant find the SATA driver for ICH9M-E/M ... i have a external floppy but i cant find the driver...

Plz let me know!


Sterling Rector said...

Theses directions are extremely convoluted, sorry.

Unknown said...

hello id just like to say thanks for that info. I downgraded 3 CQ60 models recently and its so easy as SATA is able to change in the BIOS

But unfortunately the CQ61 doesnt have it already

Damn you HP ! You make things so complicated.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I'm having a problem getting the f6flpy32 file to extract into the a IMA extens.If any one knows what i could be doing wrong, please feel free to help me out. i'm running an HP pavilion dv 7-1245 dx.

Unknown said...

very very thanks it was working perfectly with sata driver thank u very much

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot!!!
u just saved me from loosing 90 bucks to buy another new Vista OS!!!

Rodrigo Espitia said...

Hey Max, Awesome!! I can finnally makes my new HP laptop with SATA drive works...
I really appreciate your effort to put all this together.

Many Thanks!

Rodrigo Espitia
from Mexico.

Radiant Metal said...

I have successfully created XP SP3 CD with SATA drivers using nLite. Thanx for the wonderful guidance. I had a clean install of XP on my Pavillion DV 5 1116em, removing pre-installed Vista. Everything was fine till the installation was finished and windows rebooted. There was blue screen of death for a while and then black screen, rebooting again and again with same blue screen. I have the Intel chipset driver in my USB Flash Drive and I don’t know how to install it when the system is not booting. Do I have to re-install the system again??
Please guide me how to put the chipset and other drivers (exe files) from USB drives during installation.

Unknown said...

I cannot thank you enough! you rock the most *bow*


very very usefull
thanks max
i am 3dS MAX,MAYA instructor in ARENA Chennai.
my contact


Hi Max...
I need to ask you this :
in step 4, your folder (windows Xp), is it contains copying files of XP's CD, or XP's ISO? Help me. Thanks Max

Unknown said...

you are the best internet helper i have ever seeen..... thanks so much.. you save me hundreds of pounds :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Winson said...

hey bro, need help!! I had slipstream the Xp cd with SATA drivers, but during booting the CD, it shown a error - usbehci.sys missing, setup cannot continue.. any solution suggested?

Unknown said...

Hi Max,

I'm using cq20-317tu. I want to exchange from vista to xp. I've tried to search on the internet but not able to find the solution. Can you pls pls help me. My laptop's down and i'm not able to access it. tq. /

Unknown said...

hi Max so much do gave me a right path with out wasting my time thank you so much . but one more question to you i can use same CD on other Compaq and Acer or other laptops let me know

thank you max

Unknown said...


spaisee said...

If my boss tell me, he need to reinstall his HP Pavilion laptop, optimally to Win XP, I get little stress. But with this guide I do it very simply. Thanks very much... :)

Anonymous said...
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WISH said...

thnx a lot bro...really nice thing ..

Unknown said...

The BEST thank a lot.Worked the first time try few different stuff that just took a lot of time for nothing.Max thanks a lot.

Vue said...

Works, like magic. Thanks a million

Unknown said...

Thx mate !!!

Unknown said...

Help needed please ! : this time the hard disk was detected and the installation with the xp disk works , but some files he couldd'nt copied ! begin the second start (39min...)of the installation , i get the message ; set up can not go on , some files are missing for the set up.......
who can help me ?

Unknown said...

Thank you very very much, used this on a Toshiba Satellite L300 and it worked like a charm. I'm rapt.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much BRo, you are the man. Thank you so much, I really appreciated you post TY...

Unknown said...

Thank you so much mate, i really appreciated... this will help me a lot......

Unknown said...

dude you rock and u r the best with the screen shots that you gave, which helped me and saved me from buying an original xp and a new HDD
thanks mate.

Unknown said...

thank you very much
your tutorial was great!
i have a mininetbook and i had problems with sata controllers!
no is working!
Great Job

Alaa ElDin said...

Thanks.. You are a life saver

Lasithitfac said...

I created a xp bootable CD with sata drives, it copies the files but after finished coping file then it restarts the machine but it remains the stat of 'press any key to continue boot from CD'
Any ides......
if can anybody give me the reason?

Unknown said...

Wonderfull - Nice walk through - I had already downloaded it bit helped me do it quicly - I am now up and running! - Great free app!

sanjeev said...

hi..i tried this on my cq45-106au laptop but i got an error during installation(windows setup) which says File ahcix64.sys is corrupted....
what should i do?

Zulfikar Tanjung said...

Hi Max, thank you soooo much..... Take a long time to make my disk installable. after reading your blog, it was a piece of cake..... nice work buddy.... thank you

sever said...

damn it..nice job bro..from all tutorial i already seen..ur tutorial works for me..thak you so much..finally i can installed XP to my customer Compaq ( god damned it ) Notebook..keep post good tutorial..

Single Guy Bites said...

I'm a little confused about the driver dl I need. My chipset is GM45/GM47 and southbridge is 82801 IM (ICH9-M). Can anyone direct me on what I need to dl?

Thank and thanks for the tutorial!

Unknown said...

Thanks! This guide is very helpful! I finally managed to install WinXP on my new Acer laptop,

Madhu Deva said...

awsome explanaitation very gooddddddddddddddddd brother

TheBrauntons said...

Good clean process and screen shots - best I've seen on the web recently. I used nLite myself to slipstream XP SP3 along with SATA drivers and Realtek LAN to downgrade a Toshiba X205-SL1 from Vista to XP. Screaming machine now!!

As one who often helps people rebuild machines to which they no longer have the drivers, I highly recommend $20 is well worth the point and click download for unresolved drivers in hardware manager.

Have fun everyone!!

Hanna Camille said...

This is an Excellent Tuts. Great work :)

Unknown said...

WOW thanks a lot dude its working thanks thnxxxxx a lot..........:)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU!!! You made it possible for me to install old XP Pro (sp1) on my dv9640us!!! Slipstreaming rules!!!

Unknown said...

Max, thanks for the tip. It works.

Unknown said...

Worked perfectly, thank you very much.

Anjana (Sri Lanka) said...

This is the best post I've ever seen. It gave me all I wanted
Thanks trillion times for sharing you knowledge with everyone
Take care

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info, but when I tried doing the exact same thing, nlite added a huge number of files onto my "winxp" directory (where I copied the windows xp disk to), growing it into a size larger than 3GB! I googled around, but can't find a clear solution. Can anyone help me out here?

Attitude said...

Hey Max or anyone that can help me pls. I got HP Pavillion Dv6000 That ma friend gave it has an Windows 7 installed ins-ted of a vista. My Hp Dv6000 Doesn't support video a video card driver for win7 so i need to Downgrade it into XP SP2. but im having the same problem like others people do. I`d follow your instruction using Nlite the burn process was successful, but when i installed the CD I got an error A blue screen saying "Unknown hard error" /systemroot/win32/Ntdll.dll pls reply at my email add ( ) i really need this to work badly thank you so much pls.. help me Max or anyone that same problem bofore.

lostubiquity said...

dude oh my F---ing GOD you are the MAN. I've been trying to do this... and while I was admittedly close, you showed me the one step i missed out on. Thank goodness for pics. I can't thank you enough. I've been trying to do this for about 2 months - and all I needed to do was press ctrl+a. :/

thil said...

no words to say ultimate mr really very very useful and explanation is really superb any thanks a lot you know two days i trying today only i seen your site very useful just half an hour thats all finish i really appreciate max

one thing wax melting can removes the dark max telling can removes the problem thank you again see you friend

Unknown said...

omg..this is really the most useful and best post I've seen...thank u vry much dude..

But dude I have one question.: I have Win 7 on my laptop and I want to install XP as well i.e. Dual OS can i make such changes ? plz help me out :-) thanks

Unknown said...

Hats of to u dude for sharing ur precious knowledge. I have one question : I want to retain my win 7 (32) and Install XP on another is it possible ? plz help me out :-) thanks

Unknown said...

You totally rock! It would have been a huge PIA to reinstall Win XP without nLite and your great guide.

The install wouldn't recognize my USB floppy drives & nLite rocked it, allowing me to get my laptop to load with SATA drivers. Woohoo!

Unknown said...

Thanks A lot....I tried it and it is working perfectly.


Unknown said...

Hey Boss,
Brilliant work...
Thanks a million..

Unknown said...

Man. If this guy was in front of me I would kiss him. Not only did I finally get past the Blue Screen thanks to him I have a better understanding of nLite as well. The tutorial is awesome!!! Thank you so much. You just saved me about $600 or more in studio programs. All are for XP.

darsh said...


I have an HP Compaq Notebook CQ61 335EV (running windows 7). and I want to downgrade to windows XP. I downloaded all driver s/w for xp.and created cd with SATA drivers using Nlite.but I still get the blue screen error!

"in the bios it actually says

please tell me how to do.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bro its work

Deepak said...

hi friends,
i am using compaq cq61 model and the os i am using is windows7, i tried the slipstreaming SATA driver into win xp boot cd using nlite but it doesnt work for me ,when i boot from cd its getting into command promt and i dont know what to do after that,i tried a lot and stopped it ,pls help me ,how to install winXp in a windows7 loaded laptop.....pls....pls.....

NICE said...



I have been trying hard to degrade vista on my Toshiba PSL48L computer to Xp.

The computer gave error as hard disk not found..
When I tried slip streaming SATA driver using nlite I am getting error as hdd.dll file missing .F3 to exit..
What should I do next

I am stuck for a month now..
PLz send any suggestion on

SilverKnight said...

People like you give the internet its silver lining. Thanks for the help.

Baban Gaigole said...

very nicely explained.
for further reading kindly follow the below link

Edwin said...

Hi guys... I believe most of us who still new to this slipstreaming SATA driver may have this problem, that is to choose the right SATA driver. Well, if you do have the problem on choosing correct SATA driver for your machine, read this full guide here : How to Choose The Correct SATA Driver or Check SATA Chipdet

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MJS said...

I have followed every step of yours sir, but unfortunately it failed to boot, well the only thing i did different, is that i used a DVD to boot from instead of a CD does this has to do anything with the failure?...thank you

MJS said...

I have followed every step of yours sir, but unfortunately it failed to boot, well the only thing i did different, is that i used a DVD to boot from instead of a CD does this has to do anything with the failure?...thank you

Unknown said...

I have HP pavilion dv5000 note book, model ET808UAR#ABA, i need to find the SATA driver for this, I try but could not find any.. pls could you give me direct link that i could get it, even HP website also not provide sata drive..!!

Unknown said...

Hatz off yaar Dude....Bhut Age Jaoge life me....Thnx very much for Sharing Such a useful Info!!

Unknown said...

I was pulling my hairout trying to find a fix for my machine. Its old but reliable and I didn't want to get rid of it just yet. Easy to follow steps and worked a treat. Thanks a heap.

Unknown said...

It's people like you that make the internet a valuable resource, keep up the excellent work!!


Unknown said...

how to build a pre activated xp iso any one help

Unknown said...

Your post really cool and interesting. Thanks very much.

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Anonymous said...

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